Here’s one of my favorite cartoons, Bullwinkle. The main characters are Bullwinkle, Rocky, Boris Badenov and Natasha.
Bullwinkle and Rocky are the heros. Rocky is a flying squirrel, Bullwinkle a dimwitted moose. Boris Badenov and Natasha are Soviet / Russian spies (hey, “Russia, Russia, Russia!” back in the 60’s!)
But lesser characters like Commander Peachfuzz were subtle critcism of the US military-industrial complex, as noted by Peachfuzz’s constant bumbling and inepitude.
I really set out just to make Boris and Natasha, since I had already made Bullwinkle and Rocky, but by some miracle, Boris and Natasha survived overnight. No drunk teenagers, marading toddlers or unleashed dogs destroyed them! That happens only once in a few years. Especially in the panhandle… rednecks – who often frequent this area – are the least considerate humans on earth. Believe it or not, people on the New Jersey shore are FAR MORE respectful and considerate. So anyway, I added Bullwinkle and Rocky to make the nearly complete set!

Here’s a better shot of Bullwinkle and Rocky:

Here’s the full character set! Note the spin-offs, Dudley DoRight, Sherman and Peabody. But the best are Aesop’s Fables. Which are almost as good as “Fractured Fairy Tales.”