Ironman is obviously a popular character in the Avengers movies, so naturally, my sons asked if I could make him. Turns out, he isn’t difficult as I feared, just time-consuming.

The detail is what took so much time. This sculpture took several hours to carve. And that doesn’t count the time to make the pile. Near the end of the day, my sister (who we were visiting) said, “Look, we’ve got to get going, we’ve got reservations for dinner!” so I had to stop with what you see above. My youngest son then asked “When are you going to finish the rest of Ironman’s body?”..
Making Ironman
As always, you need some printed photos to help guide you, then you start building a pile of wet sand in the approximate shape of the Ironman. How big? Bigger is always better. This one is about 3 and a half feet tall. And as always, you can see from the shadow that I’m working under an umbrella.

After making the pile from wet sand and then gently saturating it with more water, let it stand for an hour or so. Then start carving from the top down.

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